National Reports
Reports containing a collection and synthesis of existing research, piloting projects, publication and reports at European level on the TABASCO topics, to determine what is known already and what new data are necessary to retrieve. Each partner collected the relevant information regarding their national context (including available statistics, figures and the legal and social framework). The researches are also based on surveys and on the collection of information through interviews and questionnaires.
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Synthesis Report
It contains meaningful comparisons and analyses. The report provides valid information that are directly useful to all stakeholders: for the production of Instruction materials, Guidelines for teachers and parents and a Bullying Prevention Video for pupils.
Cross Media Platform and Web Portal
The platform covers a large range of different solutions and include a collaborative portal, a section related to sharing blogs and free distribution of content. It aims to stimulate a community feeling among users: working together online appears to be as natural as live cooperation. Youngsters can use the portal for sharing ideas; the platform aims to facilitate the creation of groups, forums, events, etc. and has a multilingual interface. Content may take the form of text, pictures, videos. The portal is essential for generating new ideas in the community about anti-bullying options.
TABASCO Methodology
It contains a compendium of Methods and Guide for teachers and other stakeholders, practical testing of approaches and methods, Webquests eliciting active involvement of pupils, raising awareness of fair use of social media, as well as risks with a focus on anti-bullying. It aims at studying the diversification of necessary development effort per country and the transnational comparison of results, a smooth transfer of outcomes between countries.
TABASCO Campaign
Public awareness campaigns held in each project Country. Youngsters have an active role in the campaigns, providing their contribution and starting building a youth movement. Young people are in the front-line, when the strategy is formulated and the course and tools of the campaign are chosen.